Frequently Asked Questions
“Our ethos at Sleeping Bunnies is whole heartedly nurturing and responsive and under no circumstances would we suggest any methods such as ‘Cry it out’ where you leave your baby alone with no response from you to cry. We also would not or suggest leaving a baby for specific amounts of time, known as controlled crying. We are advocates of the attachment parenting theory, we would always advise to respond to your baby when they need you to. However there may be periods within the process where your baby is upset; crying is their primal way of communicating their needs to us. If they are crying it may be for a multitude of reasons including teething, illness, frustration, need for regulation, need for comfort, hunger, discomfort etc. All of these factors we cannot control, so it would be unfair to say that your baby will not cry at any point in this process. When we are assisting a baby to sleep, it is usually their most tired, unhappy time of day. Quite often even when we are supporting them to sleep, you may experience some crying. We cannot control your baby’s response but we can control the way in which you respond to them, which will always be whole heartedly nurturing and responsive. We will analyse your current situation and together we will devise a plan you are happy with.”
“Our aim is to keep babies, toddlers and children as calm and prepared for sleep as possible. However, little ones cry for a multitude of reasons: often over-tiredness, teething and illness are common causes as to why your little one may cry. We guarantee that whilst using Sleeping Bunnies your response will always be an attentive one.”
“We coach children, toddlers, babies and parents to know how to deal with sleep. We primarily teach parents how to help their child sleep well.Within the process of a child/toddler/baby becoming more independent around sleep there is a learning experience that takes place for everybody, you can call this sleep coaching, training or teaching but we are giving each parent/child/toddler/baby the tools and the experience to be able to cope with sleep issues and difficulties. We analyse their current situation and make changes that have a huge impact on sleep. We prize what we do at Sleeping Bunnies as we help them to become more independent sleepers, we are led by them and respond accordingly.”
“All our consultations are online via video calls and zoom. So can be done from your own home. Follow ups are done over the phone. Check-ins are done via text message, email or phone (whatever is preferable).”
“Although there are no guarantees (as we cannot control how much or how little, or how accurately our advice is followed), we are 100% confident that if you follow our advice and guidance you will be sure to see marked improvements.”
“All of our packages are devised around the amount of time that the sleep coach gives you. If you want to use your package on multiple children you can start with an initial consultation package but may have to purchase an ‘follow up support’ at a later date. However, we will do our best to help you fully within the time allocated to the initial consultation!”
“We use paypal to process our payments. At checkout paypal offer a finance option where you can pay in 3 instalments.”