‘Why we sleep’ Mathew Walker
ERIC the Childrens bowel and bladder charity https://eric.org.uk/childrens-bladders/bedwetting/
Helping your baby to sleep NHS https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/baby/caring-for-a-newborn/helping-your-baby-to-sleep/
The time out controversy https://parentingtranslator.substack.com/p/the-time-out-controversy?fbclid=PAAaYXO_idrxU-qFj-YwD0C5e7M1XD5jKeyJCYrzqYzE2T0Ku4Q8gCGeAl0G8
HYPNOGRAM https://images.app.goo.gl/dh8114DqtwDakNZMA
BASIS sleep information source https://www.basisonline.org.uk
Rebecca Spencer – Sleep On It! How Children Process Emotions In Their Sleep – https://rootsofempathy.org/8238/
‘The History of Repetition’ Anne E. Jones, University of Lethbridge S. P. Henzi, University of Lethbridge Louise Barrett, University of Lethbridge
The Wonder Weeks – https://www.thewonderweeks.com
Holistic Sleep Coaching, Gentle Alternatives to Sleep Training for Health and Childcare Professionals, ‘Lyndsey Hookway’